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Why Keeping It Simple Is the Key to Successful Communication and Productivity

Something I am learning still….is to keep it simple.

Keeping it simple when you are in the throes of chaos in your work environment or home can be a challenge. Chaos breeds chaos.

When one person in your environment becomes anxious…it spreads like wildfire. It is like popcorn in the microwave: It multiplies and rises until the bag is about to burst!
How can we practice “Keep it Simple”?

Anxiety is hard to contain when released. However, you can quench it by simple steps. I know it is hard...I have operated on high levels of urgency 90% of my life. Mom was always in a hurry, there was always somewhere to be, schedules were tight. She was in nursing school, Dad was usually off to work, and it was rush rush. I have lived nearly 50 years in the fast lane of being and worse repeated that teaching to my children as they were they operate on the same level. Rushing causes anxiety, it makes things complicated. It refuses to give way to experience life on the path to wherever you're going. You miss the journey totally. When you make things hard, your perspective is skewed, and everything becomes a challenge. There is nothing simple about that kind of challenge. We get caught up in petty arguments, burdens we shouldn't be bearing, and time stealers.

If we simplify our lives however that may look, that is one way to keep it simple. Here are some daily simple steps below to practice simplicity.

Keeping it simple means, I don’t have to respond to the face of anger. I don’t have to explain my motives to an irrational person. Keeping it simple suggests I don’t have to take on someone else’s guilt and frustration. It signifies that my integrity is protected and remains intact. Keeping it simple gives me time to enjoy life's lovely, carefree things, like breathing deeply, smiling, and laughing out loud.

When I practice “Keep it Simple, “my decisions and responsibilities become clear, so I can handle them quickly and enjoy my life. -Hope for Today, Al-Anon, pg. 253

Brenda Graff

Wellness Life Coach

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